Recruitment Advertising


For more ways to get in front of AAPM&R members, direct your open positions to AAPM&R's new map-based career platform, PM&R Aspire. 

​​​​Print Ads

​AAPM&R Membership 

Get in front of a membership that proudly showcases AAPM&R's extensive network of talented individuals.

Advertising Opportunities 

Advertise in AAPM&R's print publication (The Physiatrist) or feature a job in the monthly newsletter (Career Corner).

  Promote Your Organization

Promote your brand prominently by leveraging these products, positioning your organization front and center.

"The Physiatrist" Print Newsletter

The Physiatrist is the official membership publication of AAPM&R. Published 10 times each year, this print newsletter updates readers on Academy activities and programs, legislative actions, practice and socioeconomic issues, educational courses, specialty developments, and employment opportunities. 

Average print distribution: 8,000

Full Page Ad (9"x12")

$2,500 - color/b&w​


Half Page Ad (7.5"x4.75")

$1,150 - color/b&w


Quarter Page Ad (3.67"x4.75")

$850 - color/b&w


Classified Ad (100 words)

$475 per 100 word insertion - b&w. Employment ads only.


"Career Corner" eNewletter

AAPM&R's Career Corner digital newsletter is produced once a month. Employers have the opportunity to feature jobs in this newsletter that link back to their opportunities on PM&R Aspire. There are 5 job feature slots available each month, to be submitted the month leading up to release.

Featured Job on PM&R Aspire

$225 per job feature*

*Your organization must have an active hiring site on PM&R Aspire at time of newsletter release in order to fulfill this purchase!



Contact for questions regarding ads.